Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My grandmother passed away recently and it's been rather difficult to get used to that reality. I know it's real. But thinking about the fact that we will never hear her sweet voice again or see her beautiful face...that's been hard to accept. But again, I know it's reality. Neil brought up a good point the other day: death was never God's intention when He created man. Maybe that's why it's so hard to accept. It's a result of sin. So NOW it is reality.

Now I know she is no longer suffering. Her physical discomfort is gone. Her fear of facing death is gone. Her WORRIES are gone. (Grandma was the biggest worry wort I ever knew.)

Now she is at peace.

ANYONE WHO IS READING THIS: Please please please pray for my mother and grandfather. My mom and her mom were so close. And my grandpa--he is dealing with losing the person he has spent the last 65 years with. I couldn't imagine losing Neil now. But what if we were married for as long as my grandparents? That has got to be incredibly hard. I can't even begin to imagine.

So this is the first time I have dealt with losing someone close to me. I think the timing with me being on the other side of the world is what God thought would be the best. For some reason He did not what me to see her again before she died or didn't want her to see me or maybe didn't want me to be there for my family because of whatever reason. I really do trust that all things are under God's control. And since He IS love and everything He does is out of LOVE, then I know that the timing really was for the best. Anyway, I do get to see my family soon. We are flying home in less than a week, so I am looking forward to that. I want to give my family comfort. I want to receive comfort. I want more closure. I want to help my mom and grandpa in any way that I can to make things easier on them. I so longed to be there for the funeral. But again, I know that the way everything happened was a part of God's perfect plan. I am not at all bitter toward Him. I know death is now a part of life. I always knew I would eventually be dealing with it (unless I died before anyone close to me did).

So, here we are.