Friday, September 11, 2009

The Walk

He is right--I have to admit it. I don't look for opportunities to help others. After work, it's "Stacy Time." Time to kick back and relax. Now let me just say that I don't think there's anything wrong with relaxing every once in a while. But every night? All night after work? Now that's a bit much. I really am a lazy, selfish b@$ch. No, really. What I need to think about is what Jesus would do in this situation. I'm sure His nights didn't consist of "Jesus Time," but instead, time spent ministering to others or with His Father in prayer.

And all this talk about what "church" is, I want to do it. Every day throughout the week. I'm glad we're getting a women's Bible study going. Fellowship is something I crave. And I love studying the Word with others. Oh I can't wait!

1 comment:

Cory Isaac said...

I had a discussion with a professor today of a similar nature and he told me "Cory, you're one of those extroverts who makes us introverts uncomfortable by telling us to get more involved in ministry". Haha!

But be encouraged, Stacy: your role in the kingdom will not look exactly the same as everyone else's... but we must all BE servants.