Friday, October 23, 2009

Good Old Jesus

I really can do anything, as long as I trust that God will get me through it. I mean, knowing that He's there encourages me to do things that otherwise I would be too afraid to do--or that I would do with an extremely bad attitude because I thought it would be a complete failure. This is one of the cool advantages of having a relationship with the Lord. I love it! I know, I know...I'm all positive now, but watch: tomorrow something will happen and I'll fail to trust in the Lord and either I will avoid the situation, or again, have that bad attitude and negatively affect others around me (whether I succeed at the thing or not).-- That's because I'm not perfect. It's just that I've been noticing this confidence happening more and more, even on a regular basis. Okay atheists, maybe it is just a psychology thing. You know, there's this so called "God" I believe in and since I "trust in Him" I am encouraged to actually try new things, and do so with a good attitude. Yes, it's basic psychology.

But guess Who created our psychology.

And guess Who relates to us through those brains of ours He created.

Duh! I always thought that was a way to explain away prayer and other things. But then one day I thought, "Hey! Of course it's "just psychology"!...He created us that way so He can related to us though it. I mean, why not communicate to the created by the means of how we were created?!? Again I will say, DUH! How else would He interact with us? It does make sense, you have to admit.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to you, Neil!

My husband's birthday is in 1 hour and 20 minutes. And I would like to say a few words about him. One thing I really love about Neil is how he loves others. He never shows favoritism--he'll be friends with anyone, no matter how annoying or unpleasant to be around. He will go out of his way, sacrificing his time, money, gas, himself, to help others. He always makes others feel welcomed, wanted, and loved. I've learned a lot from him about what it truly means to love others.

Neil's also taught me a lot about myself. I sincerely believe God has used him to help me grow. By opening flaps and having a lot of patience with me, he has played a huge role in my spiritual and general maturity. And I can never thank him enough for that.

And of course, I cannot thank him near enough for being such a wonderful husband. He makes me feel adored--what an amazing feeling. He's all and more than I want and need in a man, and I am honored to be his wife. I feel cared for, protected, loved.

Neil deserves to have a great day today (or in an hour and 10 minutes), because he is such a great guy, role model, friend, and spouse.

I love you, Neil.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home.......almost!

I am about to make the biggest purchase of my life. We've put a lot of thought and prayer into it. I think it's the right thing to do. I think. How do you ever know what God's will is for your life? I figured we'd put forth effort into buying a house and if we notice any red flags, we'll take the hint that He'd rather us do something else. I know that many paths could be in His will for us. But I think it's smart to keep our eyes open to any red flags He might be throwing up to let us know we may be on the wrong path. Now I'm not talking about hurdles. Problems arising while trying to do something shouldn't automatically qualify us for assuming that God's not happy with what we're doing. I'm talking about obvious things that would be unwise to push past for the goal. Of course there's going to be problems--it's not easy buying a house...or selecting one for that matter. Hey I think those hurdles are what He uses to make sure we want what we're after enough--they help to build character. And so far, no red flags. So I guess we'll just keep moving forward one hurdle at a time. eek!