Friday, July 10, 2009

God is Awesome

2 cool things happened this week:

1.) The other day I was praying about something and got interrupted. I'm not going to specify anything here because the specifics are not the point. The interruption was something that I felt I should to divert my attention to. Later on I discovered that the reason I was interrupted quite possibly may have been from God. I realized that the thing I was praying about could not be resolved until something else was resolved. And that thing that has to be resolved first was the interruption. So I think I was praying for the wrong thing and He interceded for me. Oh by the way, I remembered later on that the same thing that interrupted me had happened earlier but not as loud as the one that I stopped praying for. I guess it took Him a couple of tries to get through to me. So anyway, I just thought that was really cool.

2.) There's something else that happened this week that I felt was was late at night and I still wanted to read the Bible and get on the internet to look up something before I went to bed. My thought process was that I planned on doing both things but after the first thing, I might be too tired to do the second thing. But I also was thinking that whichever order I did the two things in, it would potentially take the same amount of time; so I figured the order didn't matter. I started walking to the computer and stopped myself because I realized I'd be more likely to stay up for the internet if I saved it for last versus saving the Bible for last; that's pathetic I know. (I've been praying for enthusiasm for the Scriptures.) So anyway, I sucked it up and decided to choose to read the Bible first. I started reading and as I was finishing the chapter, I noticed how easy the reading seemed and how much I understood what I was reading. See usually when I read the Bible my mind wanders or I don't understand something and I have to read verses and sections over and over again, which takes me a while to get through. But this time it was different. I got it-all of it- the first time. It went so smoothly, I couldn't believe it. So I feel that God had blessed me with this easy reading since I made a choice in His favor.

It just goes to show that we really can experience His easy yoke and light burden if only we'd deny ourselves and follow Him.

(And trust me I am by no means an expert on this.)

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