Friday, July 24, 2009


Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary. I feel so incredibly blessed that I am married to a man who actually knows the meaning of love. He understands that it is not based on feelings, but is a decision and a commitment. He loves me no matter what mood I'm in (and let me tell you that's hard to do), no matter what mood he's in, rain or shine, through struggles and tension. When the going gets tough, he doesn't bail, like so many spouses do today. He sticks it out. And we are all the more stronger because of it.

I am convinced that God has used him to build me up, to make me a better person...I have felt that way since we first gave our lives to Christ. Without his strength, patience, humility, and wisdom, I feel as though I would not be where I am today in my faith, maturity, and character. He is my best friend, my partner, my brother in Christ, and my amazing husband. And I am so happy today because of him.

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