Friday, July 3, 2009

"Pride" is Satan's Middle Name--stupid jerk

Hmmm what to write about... how's my week going? Well, I have been trying to stay aware of a certain situation that arises almost every day. (I do that by praying about it on the way to work.) The situation is this (very simple really): When I get stressed, I'm in a bad mood.

But if I stay aware of merely the fact that where there's stress, there's a bad mood waiting to happen, then I will be more likely to prevent that bad mood from happening. Or if I do go into it, I will be more likely to try to not show it. Which is easier to deal with? Probably prevention. Cause once I'm in one, oh it takes a good laugh or something REALLY good to get me out of it, and I am not good at acting. I get up to my ears in pride and that's why it's so hard to get out of.

Seriously, the days I don't stay in prayer about it and forget to call upon the Lord when those situations arise, I'm hopeless. But let me tell you there is power in prayer...(if I can swallow my pride long enough to ask Him for help). It's like as soon as I remember He's there to help and I actually ask for it, I immediately see or feel the prayer being answered...either peace comes over me or reason enters my brain, something. He always provides some kind of solution, some kind of a way to get out of the sticky situation. (The situation being either the temptation or the darn thing itself.)

This is a problem I've been dealing with since childhood. I didn't realize, though, that it was a problem, something I could or should overcome until I met Neil. I really feel like God has been using Neil to work on me. I want to be a good wife. My husband deserves it because he is so good to me. He's unlike any person I've ever met. I've always felt privleged that I even know him. And to be married to Him! I'm definitely the lucky one. So anyway, Neil made me aware of my problem, and I started out trying to conquer it for him alone. But now, it's kind of for everyone. I mean, no one likes to be around someone in a bad mood--it sucks. I know how I feel when someone is like that; I want to be away from them. I know also that there's a lot of pride involved in it. And since I think pride may be the root of all evil, I really want to work on it for me and my relationship with God. I feel like He's trying to help me grow in this way as part of my sanctification.

Soyr, hopefully I'll remember tomorrow what to do. (I am a horrible morning person.)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am glad you started blogging.
Love you!