Friday, August 14, 2009

The Restless Evil

I feel like I am being made more aware of instances when I should hold my tongue and when I should speak. I've also been suffering the consequences of speaking out of emotions when I shouldn't. The verse Romans 12:18 says, "If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men." I've been sort of keeping that verse in mind (at work primarily) and I really feel as though it's helping me to control my tongue.

It's very easy to make enemies just by speaking when you shouldn't. And then there's not peace--there's tension and grudges and bitterness. I also have this little passive aggressive thing I do when, for example, a coworker presents an idea that I don't especially like. I want to be agreeable but I don't always agree with the idea. But instead of being upfront and honest, I put on a very poor act of being pleased with the decision. Of course my coworker senses what I am doing, and then there is not peace between us...she knows it and I know it. There's tension. If I would just say what I should say, rather than holding back, all that animosity can be avoided.

James 3:8 says, "But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison." That's how I know that God is the One helping me to overcome this shameful habit. I'm not doing it on my own. And I've got a long way to go.

Fortunately Romans 12:18 seems to pop in to my head at just the right time when I need it.

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