Friday, August 21, 2009


What should we do about buying a house? Should we buy, or shouldn't we? And if so, where? Which one? Should we go do mission work right now? Should we wait for me to somehow desire it? That's pretty much what I'm waiting for--for God to give me the desire to do mission work (if that's what He wants us to do). But then a week ago I started thinking about how to acquire that desire. I feel like I'm just sitting around, waiting to start feeling it without doing anything. But I'm pretty sure that I need to be actively doing something to attain it. We don't have a passive relationship with God. Or at least we shouldn't. I know that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). (In other words, our desires will change as we draw close to Him, to ones that He would like us to have.) So I've been praying a lot about this. But also, I feel like it would be helpful if I would do some research, read some articles, books, and blogs about missions, talk to experienced missionaries, etc. I just think that if I could attempt to become interested in it, that would help me to desire it.

So I started reading about what the C&MA is doing. Some pretty amazing things are happening through that organization. Anyway, so I plan on trying to do my part as God is doing His. And in the meantime I guess we'll be putting effort into the decision of buying a house. If God doesn't want us to I'm expecting He'll through up some red flags or something.


Cory Isaac said...

there is mission at your doorstep, knocking.
thank you for helping me decide about this morning and thank you for accepting my request to lead.

Sara Eckstein said...

hey sister,

discerning the Lord's will is difficult, i will agree. i look to this verse for wisdom..."trust in the Lord with all your heart. on your own intelligence rely not. acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight." psalm 3:5